Betterment vs. Wealthfront • Who's the Best for You? • Benzinga

Want to jump straight to the best? The advisable robo advisor for most hoi polloi is definitely SoFi.

If it seems that more and more people talk about robots managing their money, there's a good reason for it. There are several worthy robo-advisors these days and comparing Betterment vs. Wealthfront bequeath help you choose the best one to tantrum your needs.

According to Statista, assets under management (AUM) past robo advisors around the macrocosm have soared 64% class-over-twelvemonth to $401.2 billion. AUM among robo-advisors worldwide is estimated to experience a compounded annual growth rate of 34% through the year 2022. At this time, Statista forecasts over $1.4 trillion of superior will atomic number 4 under robo advisor firms' control.

  • Betterment
  • Wealthfront
  • Similarities between Amelioration and Wealthfront
  • Differences 'tween Advance and Wealthfront
  • Compare Betterment and Wealthfront
  • Final thoughts



Champion For
  • Investors with defined financial goals
  • People who are spic-and-span to investing
  • Passive investors who want to diversify their portfolio
  • Investors who privation to invest heavily in ETFs
  • Investors looking for low-cost investment options
  • Investors looking to plan their retreat

Rising from the hot ashes of the Gravid Recession, Betterment was the first robo advisor wide available in which the public could indue. Launched in 2008, Melioration sought-after to change the financial services manufacture by exploiting its many bottlenecks. For years, the industry has been plagued with unethical business practices, ultra-high management fees, and below average performance.

Betterment understands the many an worries and frustrations that come retired of choosing an adviser, which is why the minimum counterweight for the base plan is $0. To start, the firm will bid you a free 15-minute call to get you acquainted with with its professionals. You'll need to report card your age and annual income to suggest possible allocations that whitethorn fit your interest.

For the most break u, Betterment suggest allocations that ensure to the predominate of thumb: (100-Old age=Equity apportionment, 100-Equity=Fixed Income parcelling). Betterment will likewise stage deuce plan options. The basic plan allows you to seat in flat-growing-cost funds and ETFs all around the world while taking advantage of automatic portfolio rebalancing and daily tax-loss harvesting for tax-conscious investors.

In addition, the firm likewise h few options for retirement accounts, such as traditional, Philip Milton Roth and Sept IRAs. The basic plan is clear for passive investors who want their money to grow, especially for the small direction fee of 0.25%, or $25 for every $10,000 of capital invested.

Betterment Premium offers you the luxury of all the very account features, plus outside investment advice connected managing item-by-item stocks, substantial demesne, and 401(k) accounts. Upgrade to the premium service, and you'll mother unlimited discussions with the firm's registered financial planners and tax professionals. The added investment advice will toll you 40 base points instead of 25. There is also a minimum account requirement of $100,000 when deciding to upgrade.

Read Benzinga's laden Amelioration Review



Best For

Long-term Investors

Top For
  • Long-run investors
  • Anyone who wants to manage their financial control panel from a smartphone
  • Investors with enough capital to cause the wide-cut benefit of Wealthfront technology

The major adversary to Amelioration, Wealthfront found its means into the market past offering more than account options and by introducing a business role model that increases its quality of services, depending on your account balance. Interestingly, the firm's nonviolent index number investing strategy is rooted in academia. The firm employs economist, Dr. Burton Malkiel, as its chief investment officer. Today, Wealthfront offers a broad suite of services fully machine-controlled in software including unoccupied financial planning, investment management and short term cash management.

Wealthfront has an gradual-to-understand fee structure, a dim-witted 25 basis points aerated connected all assets under direction. If you choose to open a 529 account to save for your child's education, you'll card slightly high fees of 0.42-0.46% per year. Referring friends operating room relatives to Wealthfront will give you the opportunity to subtract fees on $5,000 of capital, per referral.

Wealthfront launched free financial planning in December 2018, power-driven by its automated advice engine, Path. Directly, when you download the Wealthfront changeful app, you crapper choose to get started by building a financial project before first step an investment account and get instant answers to over 10,000 financial questions.

Wealthfront does not proffer stock-level tax-loss harvesting benefits to its clients unless you take up a balance of over $100,000. All the same, they do offer taxation-loss harvesting services similar to Betterment for those under $100,000. Their PassivePlus investment retinue offers services for explanation balances of over $100,000 and $500,000. Daily Tax-Red ink Harvest is disposable for nobelium extra cost to all dutiable investment accounts, and Stock-Level Tax-Loss Harvesting is getable at a balance over $100,000. Stock-level Tax-Loss Harvesting is an enhanced form of Tax-Loss Harvest home that looks for movements in person stocks within the US farm animal index to crop more assess losses and lower your tax bill evening more.

At an account statement balance of $500,000, Wealthfront offers Smart Beta. This strategy optimizes returns by investing in stocks according to weight supported happening a large number of factors, including commercialize capitalisation, dividend grant, beta, and volatility.

The Smart Beta Portfolio also employs stock-grade assess loss harvesting for nary extra fees. Wealthfront also has a Cash in Describe that currently has a 2.51% APY with a $1 tokenish that is FDIC-insured improving to $1 million with no fees. They as wel offer a Portfolio Line that allows you easier and faster access to borrow on your semipermanent investments.

Read Benzinga's engorged Wealthfront Review

Similarities between Betterment and Wealthfront

The two platforms have a few similarities, other than their super competitive management bung of 25 footing points:

  • They some have mobile apps, ideal for taking a daily glance at your financial future.
  • Both firms offer some screen out of retirement savings plan that all clients can take aim advantage of, also as 401(k) accounts.
  • It seems to be a common practice among robo advisors to subordinate account balances with additional services. The two register investment advising firms do this but are structured differently.

Differences between Betterment and Wealthfront

Notable differences in the two companies include:

  • Types of accounts provided
  • Investment strategies
  • Betterment does not offer 529 accounts to save for college or private school
  • While both firms offer options for ultra short account minimums, Betterment charges a premium for many of the services Wealthfront already performs.
  • Wealthfront does non allow you to corrupt fractional shares, which would ensure that 100% of your capital is being invested at all times.
  • For investors who love robo-advisors and passive investing might bring down interest in Wealthfront's uncomparable offering of the Smart Beta, so long every bit they have $500,000 to spare.
  • Wealthfront Cash Account is a high-yield John Cash nest egg account statement with a 2.51% APY, up to $1 million in FDIC indemnity, nary fees and a $1 borderline. Advance offers Smart Saver, which is a low-gamble chemical bond portfolio with a 2.18% APY and a 0.25% fee. Smart Recoverer is field to market risk and is not FDIC insured.

Compare Betterment and Wealthfront


0.25% annual fee for accounts 0.4% Premium Architectural plan with additional features time period fee for accounts more than $100,000

1 Minute Review

Betterment is a smart robo-money manager that helps you carry through, invest and even spend your money. IT has more than 500,000 registered customers and manages over $21 billion in assets. As a holding, Betterment is bound up to act in your best occupy at all times. The investing platform lets you manage your money, guide your investments and programme your retirement at your convenience.

Best For
  • Investors with outlined financial goals
  • People who are new to investment
  • Passive investors who want to broaden their portfolio
  • Investors who wish to invest heavily in ETFs
  • Investors looking low-cost investment options
  • Investors looking at to plan their retirement
  • Can unprotected an accounting with a $0 minimum balance
  • Offers goal-based investing
  • Charges low annual management fees
  • Offers a wide range of stocks and ETFs
  • Provides access to advanced investment tools
  • Provides personal financial advice plans
  • Charges a towering fee for personalized financial advice relatively
  • Non suitable for day traders and short-term investors
  • Does not offer up any real estate stocks, commodities and foreign exchange


0.25% annual fee

1 Minute Review

Wealthfront is an integrated wealth-building platform. It brings long-recognised investment strategy and state-of-the-art financial planning and investiture management engineering science together to simplify the skill of money-making.

You tail end rely, invest, borrow and plan from the widget of your smartphone. Wealthfront optimizes every deposit to help you make to a greater extent money from every account.

Best For
  • Long-full term investors
  • Anyone who wants to make do their financial operate panel from a smartphone
  • Investors with enough capital to get on the full benefit of Wealthfront technology
  • All-in-1 digital financial direction
  • Money intuitively diverted to your various checking, investment and savings accounts by priority and financial need
  • Low fee or fee-free accounts
  • No honorable relationship with a human adviser
  • Not best for those WHO can't keep a great deal money in their banking and investment accounts

Final thoughts

Whichever robo advisor you make up one's mind to let manage your savings, have fated you understand the primal differences. Know each company's advantages and what you prefer in terms of appreciate propositions. On the whole, information technology's clear robo advisors aim to pave the way in streamlined investiture strategies with enhanced foil and lower fees.

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Betterment vs. Wealthfront • Who's the Best for You? • Benzinga


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